The 5th International Conference on Water Resource, Environmental Protection & Sustainable Development (WRESD2024) invites the submission of original and significant research papers to be published in the conference proceedings. Each submission is anonymously reviewed by an average of two independent reviewers, to ensure the final high standard and quality of submitted papers. Accepted papers will be presented as either oral or poster at the conference.

Contributions are sought in the following areas:

1. Water Resources and Environmental Protection

Water resources, water ecology, water environment, governance of water disaster, water quality improvement, utilization and protection of groundwater resources;

Ecological protection of watershed, wetland conservation and restoration, desalination, sewage treatment, biodiversity, aquaculture, aquaculture and fisheries engineering;

Hydro science, water conservancy projects, hydropower generation, flood control and deposition reduction of key water-control project, hydraulic machinery and systems, water and sand control, comprehensive control of soil erosion, flood control and disaster reduction system.

2. Sustainable Development

Carrying capacity of water resources, water conservation, intensively and economically utilization of water resources;

Sustainable economy, coastal economic development, port economy, marine logistics, ocean transportation, economic development along rivers, development and protection of marine resources, development and protection of lake resources, water-saving agriculture, water-saving industries and technologies;

Water resource management, sustainable management system, governance of ocean, rivers and lakes, water environment policy, water environment management, etc.

3. Other Related Fields

Ocean and maritime science, coastal engineering, ship science, marine engineering, marine transportation engineering, waterway engineering, submersible sciences, marine geology and life sciences, etc.

Important Dates

Submission Deadline: September 30, 2024

Acceptance Deadline: October 31, 2024

Registration Deadline: November 30, 2024

Submission Guidelines

-Authors must make sure that their submissions do not substantially overlap work which has been published elsewhere or simultaneously submitted to a journal or another conference with proceedings.

-All submitted papers should be focused on one of the conference topic areas.

-The submission file is in Microsoft Word, PDF, or WordPerfect document file format.

-All URL addresses in the text (e.g., http://pkk.suu.ca) are activated and ready to click.

-All submissions should be written in English with a varying length from 4 to 8 pages including figures and references.

-All submissions should be strictly followed the format of the of the Paper Template;

-All submissions should be submitted directly to conference e-mail address: wresd@iaast.cn

In addtion, selected papers could be recommended to Special Issue: Economics of Water Resources Management in China in Water Resource and Economics
Please find the details at: https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/water-resources-and-economics/about/call-for-papers

The special issue is open to a wide variety of water-related issues and case studies, including (but not restricted to) the economics of water stress and water security, circular water economy, blue (marine) economy, water resource reuse and recovery, climate and water, WEF nexus, stream flow restoration, stormwater management, sustainable groundwater management, urban water management, water pollution, water and health, water storage and diversion, source water protection, transboundary river and watershed management.

Special interest have economic papers focusing on water reallocation, water policy impact assessment, water quantity or quality markets, water valuation, and water pricing reforms.

Articles published in the special issue will address key challenges in advancing economic and econometric theory and methodologies in support of more sustainable water resources management across China.